Caring Gynae
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  • Gynae Oncology in Malaysia

    • 23 Oct, 2020

    Gynae oncology is a specialised cancer field focusing on cancers of the female sex (genitals) and reproductive system (where and how babies are made).

    Gynae cancers can happen in any area of the female sex or reproductive body parts.

    Major parts of the female sex and reproductive system include:

    • Cervix
    • Vagina
    • Clitoris
    • Uterus (womb where a baby grows)
    • Ovaries
    • Fallopian tubes
    • Skin folds (lips) around the vagina

    Dermoid cysts are usually benign (meaning they do not go on to cause cancer). It is a form of tumour which arises when an unfertilised egg begins to divide. Because eggs have the potential to give rise to all cell types, dermoid cysts can form mature tissues. They may contain structures such as hair, oil glands, bone, and teeth.

    They may cause illness by rupturing or causing twisting of the ovary. They are treated by surgery, either to remove the cyst or the whole ovary. Gynae oncology is a specialised cancer field focusing on cancers of the female sex (genitals) and reproductive system (where and how babies are made).

    Dr Vijayavel used laparascopy (keyhole surgery) hysterectomy to remove a large demoid cyst successfully.

    Cyst identification & cavity surveyed
    Illustration 1: Cyst identification & cavity surveyed

    Gently separate the cyst wall
    Illustration 2: Gently separate the cyst wall

    Separate cyst from ovary
    Illustration 3: Separate cyst from ovary

    Gently separate the cyst wall
    Illustration 4: Ovary reconstructed back to normal

    Cyst entered into bag
    Illustration 5: Cyst entered into bag

    Cavity cleaned and irrigated
    Illustration 6: Cavity cleaned and irrigated

    At Caring Gynae, we provide the most up-to-date diagnostics (tests) and treatment for gynae cancers. Our gynae cancer specialists will come together and work with you to assess your condition and plan and deliver the most effective treatment. Your care plan will be custom-made to treat your specific cancer and the needs most important to you.